Mommy Essentials | 100% Organic Baby Shopping List
You need a "Maid of Honor"
Yes, you read that correctly. I believe that the #1 Mommy Essential is a “Maid of Honor,” and a few “Mommy’s Maids.” Just like a bride, who needs help with wedding preparations, a new mommy needs help in many ways, from help with meal preparation, to picking up something at the store, to help with dishes or laundry, to watching baby while mommy takes a much needed nap, and occasionally to get the new momma out of the house for an hour or two, for a mani/pedi, a foot massage, or a lunch with friends. Most of the time, some of these duties are done by the “Man of Honor,” but handling everything could get overwhelming for him too, so some things should be delegated to the “Grandma(s) or Grandpa(s) of Honor,” “Sibling(s) of Honor,” and “Friends of Honor.”
Some new moms have a hard time asking others for help, and expect themselves to be able to do it all on their own. It is easy to get depressed when overwhelmed and exhausted. If a full-of-energy, healthy, well-rested bride needs a Maid of Honor, then a new mommy definitely needs one!
You Should get a Breast Pump
With my first baby, I was set on exclusively breastfeeding, and did not pre-purchase a pump, or bottles, or formula. My milk was slow to come in, and baby was fussy and wanted to stay latched for hours on end. My nipples hurt so much, that I cried every time I tried to feed my baby girl; they were so sore that I couldn’t even touch them with a towel after taking a shower! I quickly realized that I needed a pump in order to give me a little break, while still working to increase my milk supply. It also gave me the chance to take a recovery nap while my husband fed our baby. I purchased a Medela freestyle pump, as it was compact, easy to use, and efficient. has a great variety of breast pumps available, many of which are covered by insurance. Initially I held the pump parts by hand, and then a friend told me about the pumping bra, which allowed me to pump comfortably without worrying about holding the pump parts. It was surprisingly comfortable and very convenient.
Organic Nipple Cream is a MUST
It is important for the cream to be free of additives, as baby will be exposed to anything that is in the cream. I have read that the sheep’s wool used in lanolin may not be the safest, as sheep are sometimes sprayed down with pesticides, so their wool may have a residue of some pesticides. My preference is to use items that are certified organic, and ideally plant-based. Here are a few options that are organic: BALM! Baby Nipple Soother, Earth Mama Angel Baby Mama’s Nipple Butter, Motherlove Nipple Cream, Honest Organic Nipple Balm, Badger Organic Nursing Balm, and Bamboobies Organic Nipple Cream.
One Box of Organic Baby Formula
Many of us have aspirations of exclusively breastfeeding, as did I. But, when my baby was crying due to being hungry, and I was feeling helpless due to not making enough milk, and was exhausted beyond belief, my husband had to go to the store and get a random "organic" baby formula, with ingredients that were not great. What I really needed was a nap. Since then, I realized that occasionally there are times when formula is necessary, and mama can always pump out the missed feeding. Or maybe you're one of the ones who makes adequate milk from the start - if so, that is amazing, and many new mamas would love to experience what you experience. But, for those of us who occasionally have struggles, a box of a high quality, organic formula from cows that are treated well and don't have stress hormones circulating through their systems, is a necessity. I found that these three brands are the best: Lebenswert, Holle, and Hipp.
To go along with preparing by getting a box of formula, I highly recommend making or purchasing some lactation bars/cookies (see How to Increase Milk Supply blog).